A quantum approach to deeper healing

Are you ready to explore new inter-dimensional levels in your journey of growth? Then this is for you.

More truth and alignment

Field Sessions support your process of becoming who you really are even more fully and expressing it in the world, creating profound shifts in the way you relate to yourself, your work, and to people around you. They combine the refined awareness of a highly experienced therapist, the laws of quantum physics and your personal intentions as a participant to support your healing and growth in a powerful way. The bonus: you do not need to be physically or digitally present for it to work. Go about your day and just watch what unfolds.

New prices!

While prices are rising everywhere, we are starting anew. We have adjusted the prices so that even more people can benefit from the Field Sessions:

  • Field Session Standard: CHF 149.- (previously CHF 250.-)

  • Field Session with 30 minutes of personal integration via video call: CHF 249 (previously CHF 400)

Next session: POWER

Our next Field Session on the topic of Power is happening on Friday, the 10th of May 2024. There is no personal attendance needed, as the session is facilitated in the quantum field, so you are welcome to book your spot even if you already have plans on that day.


KosmosField is a unique alchemy of two different perspectives in conversation. A joint creation of renowned astrologer Kirsten Hanser and experienced trauma therapist and Field Sessions creator Andre Jacomet. Their latest joint adventure, the New Moon Evenings (event in German), will focus on the significant astrological transition of Pluto in Aquarius. This will have a major impact on collective and personal events in 2024.

Once a month, on the New Moon, Andre and Kirsten will shed light on this event - from an astrological and quantum field perspective.

Next event: on Zoom, 8th of May, 19:00 to 21:00, 33 €. Conversation in German.

Meet Andre

from therapy to Field Sessions

Trauma therapist Andre Jacomet talks about how he came to support people in this new way.

The process

  • Step 1

    Subscribe to the Session, receive an email with guidance for preparation, and set your intentions.

  • Step 2

    Tune into the Session as it is happening, or just go about your day and allow the shifts to come in.

  • Step 3

    Time for integration. You receive written guidance via email, as well as a private message from Andre.

  • Step 4

    You will get an optional questionnaire to reflect. Enjoy what changes for you in the following days and weeks!

  • A lot happened! Notably, I feel more welcome in the world and ready to face challenges instead of making myself small and transparent as before.


  • “I noticed very clearly and distinctly that something is different since the Field Session. I feel very present, in the moment and grounded now, which pretty much never was the case before.”


  • "My boundaries became stronger! I am more clear, I feel more powerful and self-confident."


  • I observed it became easier for me to tackle situations that seem difficult. I am able to stay present and there is more trust and tolerance available."